Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Comic Book Covers

Many, many moons ago, I entered a neat comic book cover contest.

There were 3 categories.

One for straight reproduction, one for the "next" issue of a book and one for a totally original creation.

I actually won the reproduction category. As soon as I can figure out where I stashed the winning piece, I'll post it along with the cover I copied.

For now, here are the two entries that didn't win.

From the "next" issue category, Wolverine # 30. Wolvie faces the most evil opponent of his career...

For you young'ns, NKOTB was the n'sync of its day...

And in the original category...
Funny how this was a current pop culture reference when I was 20 and here it's one again as I near 40...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooooh. I like Myrtle! She's my kind of woman! To hell with the "Red Hat Ladies".